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AFT-WV President Responds to State of the State Address

Charleston - AFT-West Virginia President Kristie Skidmore responded to Governor Patrick Morrisey’s  State of the State address: 

“While we are glad the Governor mentioned the top three issues for our members-- PEIA, student behavior and salaries—we need more detail about what his proposals will look like. We are pleased to hear the Governor listed PEIA as an issue that absolutely must be addressed and his goal to create both short and long-term solutions. However, it’s still the details of any solution that everyone needs to hear. Our


Delegates to the 2024 AFT-WV Convention, held Nov. 15-16 in Charleston, approved the 2025 Legislative Agenda. The document outlines the union's major goals and priorities for the upcoming legislative session. Among the top priorities are salaries, the stabilization of employee health care benefits, and student discipline. 

Click here to read the 2025 AFT-WV Legislative Agenda. 



 This month's legislative interim meetings are coming up this weekend. The PEIA Finance Board has passed the proposed plan for FY26. The solution to this issue lies solely in the hands of the WV Legislature, who will be conducting interim meetings starting Sunday, Dec. 8th.
Make a plan to call legislators and committee chairs during the Interim Legislative Sessions on December 8-10 and tell them that PEIA must be made financially stable.
Both AFT-WV and WVEA are asking education employees to call! Please take action and share with all education employees!
Click here to get a sample phone script

The PEIA Finance Board met today in Charleston to discuss the feedback from the PEIA public hearings and vote on the Fiscal Plan for 2026. 

The plan adopted at the Finance Board meeting was the same one that had been discussed at the public hearings, except for two amendments approved by the Board. The first amendment removed the proposal to collapse the salary tiers from 10 to 5. This was a positive step, advocated for by the unions during the public hearings, as the tier collapse would have financially hurt our lowest-earning employees the hardest. The second amendment removed increased

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During the AFT-WV Convention, held November 15-16 in Charleston, the following locals and individuals were recognized for their contributions to the union: 

• Pride of the Union Award- AFT-Cabell County

• Membership Growth Awards 
-2nd Place Net ReGrowth--Raleigh Co Federation of Teachers 
-1st Place Net Re-Growth--AFT-WV Service Personnel 

-2nd Place Percentage ReGrowth--AFT-Raleigh Service Personnel 
-1st Place Percentage Re-Growth --AFT-Nicholas Service Personnel 

•Apple awards (3 winners) 
The Apple Award -Because You Make a Difference-was presented to :
Bill McCloud -