Recently the Hampshire County Board of Education considered resurrecting the dress code policy proposals that AFT had fought back several times.
After much discussion on the issue with AFT-Hampshire leaders, the Hampshire County Board of Education decided to table a proposed dress code policy for school employees. The Board of Education decided at the Dec. 1 meeting to delay any action on a new policy until an administrative law judge issues a decision on a pending Lewis County grievance regarding teacher dress codes.
AFT would like to thank the numerous teachers and AFT activists who attended board meetings, sent emails and shared their concerns on social media regarding this issue.
Additionally, AFT would like to commend the Hampshire Board of Education for delaying any action on the dress code until the issue is settled in the grievance procedure. The BOE demonstrated fiscal responsibility with education dollars by waiting on the outcome of similar pending litigation in another school district.
AFT-Hampshire strongly believes that the proposed dress policy is unnecessary, as administrators have always had the right to ensure that all school employees are dressed in an appropriate manner and not disruptive to the learning and work environment. AFT-Hampshire will inform members when a decision is rendered in the Lewis County grievance and what the decision will mean for Hampshire County.