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Know Your Rights: Planning Periods

During the 2013 legislative session, AFT-WV worked diligently to maintain the provision in SB359 to guarantee teachers a planning period of no less than 40 minutes each day.

Given all the demands on teachers in the current education climate, we support the need for meaningful, uninterrupted planning time. All teachers, especially elementary, undergo an incredible amount of pressure to deliver effective instruction while taking care of the emotional and social needs of our students. This instructional planning time is imperative to ensuring a quality education for  all students.

AFT-WV believes in the need for sufficient planning and will do whatever necessary to insist all counties follow the law. Administrators have a responsibility to give teachers no less than 40 minutes/day, which equals 200 minutes/week.

If you are NOT receiving at least 200 minutes/week, please contact your  AFT-WV staff representative immediately. Print and share a flyer about this issue with your colleagues!


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