*A message from AFT-WV President Fred Albert*
I hope everyone is doing well amid these trying times we are living in right now. I just wanted to give a quick update on the latest information regarding school re-entry. AFT-WV has been meeting with various education and health officials as they work through the multitude of questions and issues that need addressed for the upcoming school year. Last Friday, our local presidents and executive board met with State Superintendent Clayton Burch via Zoom and had the opportunity for Q & A. County boards of education are working on their plans for the upcoming school year, which must be submitted to the WV Department of Education by August 14 for extensive review and approval.
We know everyone wants to know what their school year will look like, but honestly, this crisis changes daily, if not hourly. While we hope we can see our students on September 8th, we know, based on the current COVID case numbers, that it is not safe right now.
Yesterday, AFT-WV held a press conference to announce their endorsement of Ben Salango for Governor. Ben discussed his plan for school re-entry as well as how the CARES Act funds could be used for our schools during this crisis. Click here to watch the press conference.
AFT-WV leaders also participated in a Facebook Live discussion on school re-reentry last night with Salango. Click here to view that discussion.
Below are recent articles regarding school re-entry with quotes from AFT leaders:
W.Va. teachers union chief: schools under virus trends 'not safe
Justice confident school will open Sept. 8, but Salango says more investment in safety is needed
Salango, union groups criticize Justice
Salango, Union Groups Criticize Justice on C.A.R.E.S. Act Spending
Morgantown teacher speaks of back to school
As soon as any new information is released regarding this situation, AFT-WV will communicate it to our members via our multiple electronic outlets.
Stay safe everyone!
In unity,
Fred Albert
President, AFT-WV