Non-members may join online now via Edues by using the link below that corresponds to your employment and county.
Please click the corresponding link below to join AFT-WV and set up your electronic dues to initiate your AFT-WV coverage.
AFT-WV Chartered Locals
AFT Barbour, Local # 3795 | Barbour teachers and other professionals |
AFT Boone, Local # 6101 | Boone teachers and other professionals |
AFT Braxton, Local # 6433 | Braxton teachers and other professionals |
AFT Brooke, Local # 4785 | Brooke teachers and other professionals |
AFT Cabell, Local # 6340 | Cabell teachers and other professionals |
AFT Clay, Local # 6536 | Clay teachers and other professionals |
AFT Concord Faculty, Local # 6429 | Concord University faculty |
AFT Doddridge, Local # 4960 | Doddridge teachers and other professionals |
AFT Fayette, Local # 4865 | Fayette teachers and other professionals |
AFT Greenbrier, Local # 6540 | Greenbrier teachers and other professionals |
AFT Hampshire, Local #6531 | Hampshire teachers and other professionals |
AFT Hancock, Local # 4784 | Hancock teachers and other professionals |
AFT Harrison, Local # 6102 | Harrison teachers and other professionals |
AFT HRDE/ HRDF, Local # 4009 | HRDF/HRDE employees (private sector, does not apply at this time) |
AFT Jackson, Local # 1496 | Jackson teachers and other professionals |
AFT Jefferson, Local # 6542 | Jefferson teachers and other professionals |
AFT Job Corps, Local # 6053 | Job Corps Employees (private sector, does not apply at this time) |
AFT Kanawha, Local # 4444 | Kanawha teachers and other professionals |
AFT Lewis, Local # 6551 | Lewis teachers and other professionals |
AFT Lincoln, Local # 4962 | Lincoln teachers and other professionals |
AFT Logan, Local # 4721 | Logan teachers and other professionals |
AFT Marion, Local # 6209 | Marion teachers and other professionals |
AFT Marion Service Personnel, Local #6578 | Marion service personnel |
AFT Marshall, Local # 6566 | Marshall teachers and other professionals |
AFT Mason, Local #4863 | Mason teachers and other professionals |
AFT McDowell, Local # 4906 | McDowell teachers and other professionals |
AFT Mineral, Local # 6515 | Mineral teachers and other professionals |
AFT Mingo, Local # 4442 | Mingo teachers and other professionals |
AFT Mingo Service Personnel, Local # 6581 | Mingo service peronnel |
AFT Monongalia, Local # 6295 | Monongalia teachers and other professionals |
AFT Monongalia Service Personnel, Local # 6579 | Monongalia service personnel |
AFT Monroe, Local # 4908 | Monroe teachers and other professionals |
AFT Morgan, Local # 6520 | Morgan teachers and other professionals |
AFT Nicholas, Local # 6052 | Nicholas teachers and other professionals |
AFT Nicholas Service Personnel, Local # 6580 | Nicholas service personnel |
AFT Pocahontas, Local # 6378 | Pocahontas teachers and other professionals |
AFT Preston, Local # 6430 | Preston teachers and other professionals |
AFT Putnam, Local # 4639 | Putnam teachers and other professionals |
AFT Raleigh, Local # 4361 | Raleigh teachers and other professionals |
AFT Raleigh Service Personnel, Local # 6591 | Raleigh service personnel |
AFT Randolph, Local # 6296 | Randolph teachers and other professionals |
AFT Roane, Local # 6521 | Roane teachers and other professionals |
AFT Summers, Local # 4816 | Summers teachers and other professionals |
AFT Taylor, Local # 6360 | Taylor teachers and other professionals |
AFT Upshur, Local # 6575 | Upshur teachers and other professionals |
AFT Wayne, Local # 4016 | Wayne teachers and other professionals |
AFT Wayne Service Personnel, Local # 6565 | Wayne service personnel |
AFT Webster, Local # 4961 | Webster teachers and other professionals |
AFT Wetzel, Local # 4959 | Wetzel teachers and other professionals |
AFT Wood, Local # 4159 | Wood teachers and other professionals |
AFT Wyoming, Local #6051 | Wyoming teachers and other professionals |
For members working in counties without a chartered local, you belong to either Local 6500 (service personnel) or Local 8046 (teachers and other professional staff.) You will click the corresponding link below to join AFT-WV and set up your electronic dues.
AFT-WV Local 6500 (Service Personnel) | All service personnel in counties without a chartered service personnel local. |
All professional employees in counties without a chartered local. |
Prefer a paper application?
Click here to print an application.
Mail completed applications to
1320 Kanawha Blvd., E.
Charleston, WV 25301
Click here for the Job Corps Employees paper application.