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Last year, public employees and retirees saw nearly $42 million in PEIA benefit cuts for the 2015-16 plan year. While those cuts caused hardships on West Virginia's hard working families, the future is much worse.

Without immediate action by Senate President Bill Cole, House Speaker Tim Armstead, and members of the legislature, PEIA will be forced to make draconian cuts eliminating $120 million in active and retiree benefits. The West Virginia Legislature must stop the assault on West Virginia's working families.

Competitive salaries offered during election years have become routine empty


The state board of education voted on October 15th to postpone the use of the state summative assessment data in conjunction with the fifteen percent (15%) component for the teacher’s evaluation in the tested grades and subjects.  For the 2015-2016 school year, all teachers will write two (2) student learning goals. 

The Policy 5310 waiver will also postpone the mandated student roster verification procedures due to budget cuts imposed by the governor.  State Superintendent Dr. Michael Martirano indicated the roster verification process was very labor intensive for the teachers.  He also is


AFT-Marion County's first ever FREE Teacher Resource Giveaway was a HUGE success!

The event, held August 8th, allowed teachers and parents to take advantage of a large collection of teaching materials donated by retired and current teachers.

Many 1st year teachers, home school parents and grandparents left with many resources to help children learn!



    AFT locals are hosting Holiday/Legislative Meet & Greet events across the state this winter. These events are a fantastic opportunity for AFT members to meet legislators and discuss education in a relaxed, social atmosphere. It's also a chance to enjoy great fellowship with AFT members from other counties.

The North Central AFT event garnered positive coverage from the local media (see article, left.)

Other regional or county meet & greet events were well-attended and energized our members! The events in Beckley and Elkins (photo below) had fantastic turnout!

Upcoming meet & greets


AFT-WV Update: IRS Retirement Ruling

              Many teachers across the state have voiced concerns about an IRS ruling regarding the retirement age for public employees. In 2007, the IRS defined the normal age at which a participant in the private sector can retire as 62. Governmental agencies were granted an extension until the rules could be revised to address the differences in the various government retirement plans. The IRS has delayed implementing any changes since then, leaving educators approaching retirement with a serious question; will my benefits decrease if I don’t retire now?



Recently the Hampshire County Board of Education considered resurrecting the dress code policy proposals that AFT had fought back several times.

After much discussion on the issue with AFT-Hampshire leaders,  the  Hampshire County Board of  Education decided to table a proposed dress code policy for school employees. The Board of Education decided at the Dec. 1 meeting to delay any action on a new policy until  an administrative law judge  issues a decision on a pending Lewis County grievance regarding teacher dress codes.

AFT would like to thank the numerous teachers and AFT activists who


Watch AFT President Randi Weingarten and others discuss the latest progress and projects of Reconnecting McDowell.


State Board of Education to hire new superintendent

“My hope is that he will see the value in bringing all the stakeholders together. I think any success we've had in the last several years in working with the state Department of Education and the Board or Education is because of the opportunities to collaborate and bring everyone to the table.” ~AFT-WV President Christine Campbell


Broader Horizons for students through Reconnecting McDowell

Learn how Reconnecting McDowell and AT & T are working together to provide mentoring for students in McDowell County.